Destination Viking Sagalands : the Icelandic Sagas and oral tradition in the Nordic world

4.000 kr.

1 á lager

Höfundur: null
Útgáfustaður: Reykjavík
Útgáfuár: 2005
Útgefandi: Tourism Research and Consulting
Staða: Notuð bók
Staðsetning: RAL6
Band: Kilja
Þyngd: 0.5kg
Lýsing: Destination Viking Sagalands : the Icelandic Sagas and oral tradition in the Nordic world / [project manager Rögnvaldur Guðmundsson ; editors David Cooper, Rögnvaldur Guðmundsson and Tom Muir ; illustrations Ingólfur Björgvinsson].
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